Sunday, July 13, 2008



ALL INDIA RANKING OPEN TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT14TH August 1976, Saturday morning was the most crucial day, in my life. You can say, a red letter day, for all purposes. Such an event has never hapened before in our 0ffice.

On Friday evening , BOSS told us that JC, VPK, and myself should go to the airport and receive the Chief Guests. We planned to start by 6 am so that we will be there at the Airport before time, VPK said that the car will come to Office at 5-30 am and we will all start and go to a place near Race Course where the second car (for the Chief Guest) will be waiting and from there we will proceed to JC’s house and then to the Airport.

There were many problems in the Tournament Hall. With only two Tables, instead of the regular four tables, it was taking more time to finish the events as per schedule so that the Finals of the main events reserved for the next day could be played. The semi-finals were in progress to facilitate the spectators to witness the thrilling matches between aspirants to reach the finals. Miss.Kashmira Patel toppled Miss.Kalavathy. Niraj Bajaj defeated Atul Parikh, while Sudhir Phadke overcame Suhas Kulkarni. The Girls Finals were also played and Vyamo Shah won the title. The spectators were excited with the thrilling matches being played one after another. Boss was also present and discussed with us the arrangements for the next day, viz., the place for the Tournament Table, TV positions, VIP seats, seating arrangement for the Chief Guests etc., The Police authorities were also present and I took them around and showed them the places where security arrangements were required. I also found time to discuss with Dilip Sampat of MSTTA Bombay about terms with the Bombay players. The three phase Generator had also arrived for the purpose of TV shooting. The plug points for TV staff were also ready. I told the Chief referee to be present before 5 pm next day and start the matches as scheduled. The banner had already arrived and we got it fixed inside the Hall over the balcony side. Press reports were being sent daily at 8-30 pm to all newspapers. AIR was already reminded in the morning about final days coverage. Vehicles required for the next day were arranged. The hall where refreshments to the Chief Guests and players were planned was inspected and proper arrangements were made. The sofa set was taken to the Tournament hall. Mike arrangement for next day was made known and the Electrician was directed to come at 9 am on Saturday to make the readjustments. All the volunteers were told to be present at 10 am in the Hall. I don’t remember the countless other things sorted out and finalized by me that day..

It was almost midnight when I reached home. I kept my scooter in my relative’s house. It was too late for dinner. I could not eat anything. My whole body was aching and my stomach was upset. I tried to sleep and I could not. I was wondering whether I would get up in time to reach the airport. Even at 2 am I was not able to sleep and my mind was busy with various items of unfinished work. I don’t know when I slept.

I heard a loud noise and got up. The milkman was banging the door. I got up scrambling and saw my watch. It was 6 am….. Alarming….MY GOD… Within a minute, I got myself dressed and was out of the house. Near Apollo talkies I stopped an auto and asked him to take me to Sassoon Hospital. The driver enquired “ Sir, why to Sassoon Hospital early in the morning?” I told him ? Alright, baba.. Take me to GPO” By 6.05, within five minutes, I was in front of my 0ffice. When I paid the driver a rupee, he refused to take it. I thought he wanted more. When I argued, he said “No money from you Sir” I looked at him. He was a person known to me very much. I thanked him. VPK was waiting for me. We got into the car and left for Racecourse where we picked the other car and reached JC’s house. By 6-10 we were leaving Poona for the airport where we reached at 6-25 am well ahead of the arrival of the plane. We relaxed a little with anxiety written all over our faces. The plane touched down at 6-35 am and we were waiting at the gate looking anxiously at the passengers alighting from the plane.


My heart was beating fast, as there was no sign of our Chief Guests. as most of the passengers had already alighted. At last, Saira Banu was the first to come out followed by Dilip Kumar and also another person, to my great relief and thrill.. I received them and introduced them to JC. The other person was Ramesh Sippy of SHOLAY fame. Dilip Kumar introduced him to me. After a formal talk, Ramesh Sippy insisted to escort Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu in his fabulous car. We protested and Dilip Kumar opted to travel in our car
I escorted them to Hotel Blue Diamond and JC followed us in his car. I had already asked Paranjpe to wait in Hotel Blue Diamond to receive the guests and escort them to their suite. JC also reached Blue Diamond within ten minutes and entered the Room No. 124. and we were seated and talking with Dilip Kumar. I introduced, VPK to Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu and joined them in the conversation. Unforgettable Day.. We all left at about 7-45 am. I was so happy with the developments. What a wonderful day. It was unbelievable to have the elusive DILIP KUMAR as a chief guest along with SAIRA BANU. It was a miracle. Nobody believed that I could succeed in this adventure. I pinched myself many times, to make sure everything was true. On my way back home, I got down at Alankar theatre and went to Dreamland Hotel to meet Dilip Sampat and the finalists.

At 10 am I left home for the Tournament Hall, to supervise the arrangements for the grand Finals. I saw only one lady volunteer present and she was very much annoyed that the other ladies did not turn up. I told her to go home. Many volunteers and 0fficers were present in the Hall looking after various items of work. The electrician was busy with the extra lighting arrangements for the TT Table. I told him about the plug point for the TV which was not ready. The staff were removing the fencing, arranging the chairs for the invitees etc., The Club banner was being so positioned that it would come within the focus of TV cameras. Officers were conferring with the JC on various points. I enquired about the bouquet and was told that the bouquets were ordered and will be delivered at 4 pm. Pathak and Sane went to the 0ffice in a vehicle to bring Prize cups, garlands and souvenirs. Paranjpe and myself went to the nearby hall to check up the tea arrangements for the chief guests.
At 11 am I called everyone for tea in the college canteen. We all went there to have our tea, each one discussing about the arrangements. The chairs were all arranged in the hall and counted to match with the number of invitees. Prize cups arrived and kept in Godrej almerah alongwith garlands and souvenirs. Tables for chief guests and Prize cups were kept in position. Table cloth was kept ready. Narayanan was typing copies of the Days programme for distribution to VIPs. At noon we assembled in one place and I read out the work allotted to volunteers. One by one every one left for lunch.
I came back to Wadia college at 3-45 pm. Everything was calm and quite. There was tension in the air. Carpet was being put under the chairs in first row where chief guests were expected to be seated. The volunteers were arriving and taking their positions. The police were already on their job. The Military Police were also there to add to the glamour of the occasion. Ramanathan had taken his position at the cash counter. JC also arrived and by 4-30 everything was ready. The TV staff arrived at 4-50 and they were checking the lighting effect with some instruments. They wanted three 500 volt bulbs to be added. This was an unexpected last minute problem. Sudhir Phadke (player) specifically requested to reduce the lighting effect as the glare was affecting his eyes and disturbing his performance.
I was in a dilemma, as this was interfering with TV requirements.. After getting the consent of all the finalists, Mohandas was paid money and sent in a car to purchase and bring the three bulbs immediately. I left in a car to the house of the Boss to invite him formally to grace the function, and found to my shock the house was locked. We came back at 5-15 and found the Boss waiting in the Hall. His eagerness was overwhelming the office protocol. Mohandas also arrived with the bulbs at that time. The electrician fixed the bulbs and removed the ladder from the hall at 5-30 pm. All crucial things happened without a hitch.

Boss and JC were waiting outside to receive the chief guests. Invitees were arriving and were being escorted to their seats by volunteers. The hall was filled with spectators. DIIP KUMAR AND SAIRA BANU arrived and taken in amidst thunderous applause. Photographers surrounded them and for a few minutes bulbs flashed and cameras clicked endlessly. The Chief Referee announced the first event and the game started. The TV crew started shooting the event. The AIR staff was relaying the commentary of the game. I found many press reporters sitting in the places marked for them. There were noises from the gallery spectators asking for score. The Chief referee started announcing the score through mike. Edwin was busy clicking photograph as per our instructions. Everything was happening, as if in a dream.

Around 7 pm, the chief guests wanted “lavang”. There was sudden hush-hush among the volunteers about the unexpected problem. I quietly sent a peon in a car to MG road and got the “lavang”, which was quietly handed over to the Guests. VVIPs were arriving late for the function and could not find suitable seats. One VIP from Garware Nylons preferred to sit with the press reporters. One of the most memorable, never-before event, in the annals of our Club was taking place and I was sailing in cloud nine. No one would believe that such a thing happened.
After the Finals Boss welcomed the Chief guests. In one of his rarest public appearances, DILIP KUMAR rose and addressed the gathering in chaste Urdu. We were all bewitched with the climax of the day’s event. But the spectators from the gallery were noisy and DILIP KUMAR abruptly switched over to English, to the delight of the audience.. SAIRA BANU rose and distributed the prizes. She insisted on giving a copy of the Souvenir also along with the cup. Later all the VIPs were taken to the nearby hall for tea. Dilip Sampat, Subash Lodha and players were talking with DILIP KUMAR and many were taking autographs from the Film stars.. In another room, Prof.Nadkarni was interviewing NIRAJ BAJAJ and SUDHIR PADKE for TV. I thanked Dilip Sampat for all the cooperation. I also thanked Subash Lodha ,the chief referee for conducting the Tournament efficiently.

I was almost the last one to leave the near empty hall, with Dilip Sampat in his car, who dropped me near my house. My wife and sons who also witnessed this event had already reached home separately.              

                                     R A J   K A P O O R

My all time favorite, megastar, producer, director, actor and all-round showman. Raj Kapoor has permanently carved for himself a special niche in my heart. I did not miss any of his movies, loved all his songs, lively music.  It was my golden day, when I was able to inter-act with him for about 6 hours when he presided over the Finals of our Table Tennis Tournament, on 14-8-1975. 

My Office was conducting  DARC Table Tennis Tournaments since 1956 and in due course, it assumed status and importance as an All India Ranking tournament, where top players of India, including National Champions used to participate.  DARC was very popular among players of Pune and Maharashtra.  During the late seventies when I was the Org. Secretary of the Tournament I was trapped when I suggested that RAJ KAPOOR should be the chief guest of our Tournament.  Any way, having entangled myself, I plunged into the self-invited problem and managed to establish links with the star. Since he was shooting the film "Satyam Sivam Sundaram" near Pune, there was no problem. Once we got his confirmation, the excitement grew within sports and office circles. Due to unprecedented entries for this All India Ranking Tournament and anticipated crowd of spectators, we decided to shift the venue of the tournament, from our office premises, to Wadia College Hall. We had made Police arrangements at the college for security reasons including the Military police.

 On the day of the Finals of  Tournament on 14-8-1975, RAJ KAPOOR landed exactly intime at the venue, to tumultuous applause by spectators and players. The games were suspended for some time, allowing the excitement to subside. It was a historic moment for the two decades old Tournament and also for our office. When the ball fell near him, Raj Kapoor got up, picked the ball and showed it high above his head to one and all in a filmic pose, (in his typical "Sree420" style) and gave it to Manjit Dua.  Thunderous applause and wild clapping by the crowd followed. 
His speech was extremely hilarious with all his anecdotes about mixed-doubles etc. The prize winners were clamoring to be photographed with Raj Kapoor. Many high ranking military Officers were present with their families. Everything was like a dream come true. I shall never forget the evening spent with him. During interval, I took him out for Tea and exchanged pleasantries with him.  It was my golden day, when I was able to inter-act with him for about fourhours.  He was very jovial, gregarious, formal and a great show man even in a sports event. I pinched myself many times, to make sure everything was true. The excited crowd was in splitters when he addressed them before giving away the prizes to the winners. He outclassed everyone on that day. It was the first time, a sporting event was presided over by the greatest Showman from Bollywood. I cherish every moment of that day. Nobody believed that we would succeed in this adventure. 
All the local newspapers, Sports magazines covered the event including the All India radio. SPORTS WEEK magazine from Chennai published the details. It was the Talk of the Town for many weeks.


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