Monday, July 14, 2008



One feels inclined to agree with the above saying. No doubt man is both the spectator and actor in the great drama of existence. Judging from the evolutionary process of Human Kingdom, it can be attributed that the whole creation is moving towards a far-off Divine Event. As such the concept of Destiny has come to wield considerable influence in human minds. If Destiny means ‘ Not a leaf falls but by His Will’, I am certain, a man destined to be hanged will be quite safe in water. Fatalism or blind belief in Destiny is more or less a double-edged philosophy. On the one hand, it reveals every occurrence as the immutable result of a rigid chain of infinitely pre-destined causes; and on the other, it confirms the wildest incoherencies of conduct and events with the sanctity of Eternal Law.

I for one feel that Destiny is often the invention of the cowardly and resigned. Lots of people confuse mismanagement with destiny. People allow the course of events to take their own shape. It is amusing to hear men impute all their failures to Fate, Luck or Destiny whilst their successes are ascribed to their own wisdom, cleverness and penetration.

The truth is, life is sweet, biter, pleasant, inspiring, deceptive and that it is everything. It is composed of the most dissimilar things, the most unforeseen, the most contradictory and incongruous. It is merciless, without sequence or order, full of inexplicable, illogical and contradictory catastrophes. In short, it is a bunch of miscellaneous facts and hence a predicament to man. Everyone feels a stranger to life not knowing what is in store for him next.

The belief that the course of events are ‘fated’ and ‘destined’ no matter what we do, is negative…a mere conviction of impotence. A fatalist who believes ‘let things happen as GOD wills and DESTINY decrees’ is a slave; a slave of oneself and of circumstances, acting blindly without plan and prudence. One should learn to anticipate and plan like a worker and collaborator of God. It is only through despairs and dejections, through laughter and tears, we have to wend our way.

My views published .....…NOVEMBER 1968

1 comment:

Abhivyakti said...

a good start. looking for many more such thought provoking artcles.