Monday, July 7, 2008



With a Degree in hand, I left for Bombay on 12th July with one of my cousins to try my luck to secure a good job for me. Bombay is the business center of India. I had only Rs.80 in my hand, out of which I spent Rs.40 during the journey itself. We reached home on 14th July at 11 pm. That night I became a good friend of three young men living in that apartment. They are the sons of the owner of that house and are very hospitable. Next day I left home with one of my newly acquired friends, who took me sightseeing all around the amazing city of Bombay. Victoria terminus is the name of the Bombay Railway station and that alone will make any stranger to stand for hours gazing at its spectacular structure. What a fantastic building.

I was told that it has 16 platforms from which every four minutes trains leave carrying countless passengers to sub-urban areas. Every day 670 trains come to Bombay carrying one laky of passengers who work in offices and ten return to their far off homes, spending 8 precious hours on their journey. I saw Bombay and its amazing buildings, double deck buses, trams, cars, taxis and crowds of people.. My friend took me to a film theatre. METRO,….India’s premier theatre. When I entered, I had a sudden feeling of chill.… oh.. AIR CONDTIONED…..First time experience, Never before…I understand even houses are air-conditioned. See, how rich is Bombay and its people. Later we went to a Hotel in MATUNGA, where we were served Dosa with two spoons. I was told not to use my fingers for eating Dosa. Very strange experience. Next day I strolled in Bombay all alone and saw the enchanting semi-circular Marine drive, bewitching Gateway of India, amazing Taj Mahal hotel, harbor, theatres, general Post 0ffice, where I bought stamps standing in a long queue.. Unbelievable. One day all of us went to Malabar Hills and saw Hanging Gardens and Park and the famous SHOE HOUSE there. I saw almost all the scenes which I had already seen in films like Sree420, BootPolish, Naukri, Mr&Mrs55, Bhai-bhai, CID etc., One day one of my relative living in Thakurli invited me to his house and later got my name registered in employment exchange. He also introduced me to many Directors of big companies. who were surprised to see a small boy standing in front of them. They never believed that I was a graduate, as I was so young and still in my teens. I was told that boys of my age were still in SSLC.
That night I could not sleep. I was dreaming that all my troubles and sufferings of the past were nearing an end and that happy days are ahead. I recollected the scene in which my anguished parents, young brothers and sister left me in the railway station bidding me goodbye with torrents of tears in their eyes. Days went by… Nothing was happening for a long time. I was advised to join shorthand classes, as there was good demand for stenographers in Bombay. One day I got down in Parel station and joined the classes between 11am to Every day I used to leave my house at 9 am and catch the electric train and reach Parel at 10-30 and after the classes catch train and reach VT station and go to GPO to check my POBox for any calls for interview. Later I used to visit theatres to see films. These are the list of films seen by me. METRO…Trial, Forbidden planet, The last Hunt, Ulysses, EROS…The Court Jester, The Man who never was, Earth Vs Flying saucers, ROXY.. Bhai-Bhai, CID, EXCELSIOR. Beneath the 12 mile reef.. I want to see TOOFAN AUR DIYA running for the 20th week in Liberty theatre. I am not able to book my ticket in spite of my 5 attempts.. I return home around 7 pm and practice shorthand for sometime…Recently I was called for an interview in a Bank and went there with all my certificates, very confident and ready to face any question on banking. To my surprise he asked me about the chief minister of Bombay, Andra , the Finance Minster of India and the first step taken by him etc., I answered all the questions and he told me that he would inform the result of the interview in a week’s time. I am disappointed and I know what it means. Yesterday I got a call from a Company from Sewri for the post of Asst Accountant. I performed satisfactorily and he was pleased and I am sure to get that job which will be about Rs.160 per month. Am in good sprits now. I can send money to my parents. My brothers and sister will have nothing to worry hereafter....…I am only waiting for my appointment order which will come in a day or two.

1 comment:

andromeda said...

I think you got that job, didnt you ? And the rest, as they say, is history :)

Very interesting to read a page out of your diary